Bio-Energetic: Electrodermal Screening (EAV)

Did you know you have an energy body? Well, you do. All scientists recognize this as a field of study called quantum physics.

During your wellness consultation, we use a machine that is a non-invasive/painless way of testing the acupuncture points (also called meridians). Meridians are like wires in the body; they give power to the body.

We use no needles. During your wellness consultation, you will hold a metal rod in one hand, and the practitioner will gently press on an acupuncture point on the other hand with a metal wand. The machine will give the practitioner a reading through a computer.

Please Note: We do not insert needles or manipulate the acupuncture (meridian) points. (The machine cannot function in this compacity). We only use this machine to assist us in our consultation visit to find the most suitable herbs and therapies for your body.

The practitioner can test the energies of the following:

a) 40 different meridian points: corresponding to organs and systems.
b) Toxins: viruses, parasites, bacteria, and numerous other environmental factors
c) Emotional: emotions and outside influences that may also affect your health
d) Remedies: Homeopathic remedies, herbal tinctures, enzymes, and therapies are tested on the machine to determine which ones the body wants. It is truly a modern revolutionary way to see what herbs or therapies will bring your body back into balance.

After doing this test, you will know what will help, which reduces the chances of human era. This testing saves you time and money by not wasting it on herbs or therapies that will not work for you. This holistic approach considers your symptoms and the root cause of your problems.

Note: This test is usually done in person but can be done through a urine test. Great for people unable to come to the office. Can be shipped anywhere in the world. (Just as effective as coming into the office.)

$199 for Initial Consultation
$149 for Follow-ups

Free unlimited testing with the purchases of a Health Savings Plan. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Our Phylosophy

  • Have you ever considered what herbs or therapies your body requires? How do you know they'll be able to assist you? The answer is that you cannot based solely on symptoms. A practitioner cannot tell if your tiredness is due to adrenal fatigue, heavy metal toxicity, or something else based on your symptoms. Symptoms do not tell the entire story. You are guessing if you do not test. This is where a variety of testing methods come into play.

    Another problem with symptom treatment is that symptoms are the final stage (end stage) of a disease, not the beginning. I had a person come up to me and say, ‘I am glad you are doing the wellness consultations. I think that is great. However, I do not have any symptoms and don’t need that.’ A year later, she was diagnosed with cancer. Again symptoms are the “End Stage” of a disease.

    The fire alarm analogy

    If you have a fire alarm go off, it is because there’s a fire somewhere in the building. There is already fire damage by the time the fire alarm goes off (to a greater or lesser degree). If we wave the smoke away from the fire alarm (symptom treat), the fire alarm goes off, but the fire is still there. Even if symptoms are gone, there still could be a problem. Again symptoms are the end-stage of the disease. If the problem was an electrical fire finding the faulty wire before the fire broke out is best. In a toxic world, everyone can benefit from a wellness consultation. No one is perfect.

  • We recommend coming for 1-3 visits over 3-6 months, depending on the person. Then it is about maintaining your new level of health with some supplementation.

    We also provide a Holistic Savings Plan. Click Here for more information.

    Our wellness consultations are unique because we carry pharmaceutical-grade herbs, natural homeopathic remedies, and therapies. These are not supplements you will find at your local health food store, and these companies do not sell to people other than doctors or certified herbalists to preserve these companies' integrity. These natural, harmless remedies are so powerful that mainstream medicine in Germany still uses them.

The Right Therapy at the Right Time!

If you are not testing you are guessing!